Follow these steps:
Now its time to run the hamachi
command line interface to add the client to our LogMeIn account. You should do all the following as a root
# This will activate Hamachi and connect to the servers
hamachi login
hamachi attach <your-email-address>
# Now set a memorable nick name for your Ubuntu VPN client
hamachi set-nick <my-ubuntu-web-server>
# Now you can join a network. Your network ID can be found in (click on the link next to the network name to view the network details, including its id. Should be a number like 123-456-789)
hamachi do-join <your-network-id>
# If you set a password, type it in...if you did not just hit Enter
# If you set the network to require approval, you'll have to again go to Central and approve the request
# If you get stuck, this will give you a list of additional options...
hamachi --help