After mapping an iterable, you may need to turn it into a List; in certain situtations however you may want to add the list into an existing list.
Instead of separately merging the collection, Dart 2.3 introduced the spread operator (...
) and the null-aware spread operator (...?
), which provide a concise way to insert multiple elements into a collection.
The spread operator is especially useful when mapping Flutter widgets:
return ListView(
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
shrinkWrap: true,
children: [
Text("Choose a Wiki..."), {
return Text(wiki.displayName);
After mapping a model (Wiki in this case) to a Widget (Text in this case), we then use toList() to turn it into a compatible type List. If you already have other children in the list, then you cannot simply add the List as an element; but you can spread the list into its elements, thereby merging them into the list in a very consice way.
The null-aware version will ignore the merge if the list is null (be aware that this is not like compactMap in that it checks only if the List is null; it does not check if the elements are null).